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    March 21, 2016

    Markon to Partner with Anthrospheres on WELL

    Photo-3-570x570On Friday, March 11, a small contingent from Markon, including Ginny Dyson, Leigh Valudes, Jay Zayas, Christine Dingivan, and Ray Carney, met David Conrath, owner of Anthrospheres, at Bishop O'Connell High School in Arlington, VA, to discuss WELL Building Standards.

    Specific to this visit, Anthrospheres showed Markon the circadian lighting demonstration installed in select classrooms at Bishop O'Connell and the current effects on staff and students concerning sleep efficiency and productivity.

    While Anthosphere is an initial expert in all Well technologies, Markon is interested in transferring this information to Owners for consideration in their projects. As a long-time advocate and innovator on WELL concepts and their beneficial effects on human performance, David shared many fascinating products he has developed or used effectively.

    Photo-2-570x570These products included the Basis Peak watch and the LSPro Genesis light product. David has perfected his research down to the nanometer in the light spectrum to understand how to enhance human health and experience by focusing on the body’s circadian rhythm.

    David assisted us with some areas we have been investigating regarding WELL certification and efforts to obtain this new certification for our future expansion project.

    Working with David and other stakeholders, Markon hopes to assist in creating the optimum human efficiency environment, which will undoubtedly benefit companies and organizations and their employees' well-being and performance.


    Ray Carney

    Ray serves as Chief Executive Officer at Markon. His experience includes providing leadership, program management, organizational strategy, design thinking, data centers, and the creation of secure environments. Ray holds an MBA from University of Notre Dame and a BS in Business Administration from John Carroll...

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