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    April 19, 2022

    Markon Streamlines the FAR

    The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) is the straw that stirs the acquisition process for all executive agencies.

    Acquisition professionals and stakeholders know first-hand the complexities and problems involved in updating a Government Agency’s Supplemental FAR.

    In the three-part series on Understanding the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Process, we will cover:

    How Markon can help

    To streamline the process, Markon developed a branded, industry-tested solution called xFAR™ that is customizable for each client. xFAR™ utilizes a 5-step methodology to develop a unique process for addressing individual agency updates. Our solution is based on rigorous trial and error, and lessons learned from our real-time experience.

    We have also included project management and change management best practices to create a seamless, repeatable way to implement rulemaking.

    xFAR™ provides:

    • Complete review of the regulation – An agency that conducts significant procurements will have more supplemental policy. The xFAR™ methodology considers the whole agency and the size of procurements to determine the type of support they need.

    • Missing requirements analysis – The xFAR™ methodology incorporates the review of current FAR requirements, thresholds, definitions, and titles.

    • Update checks – Federal policy is constantly changing due to Executive Orders, FAR Rules, OMB memos, court orders, new legislation (these are some pain points in the policy process). These are public-facing policies that should be addressed by each agency and if not addressed can result in OIG, GAO reports and audits.

    • Support for the Government acquisition workload and training challenges – In a 2018 GAO report, workload and training was reported as an ongoing challenge for the Government acquisition workforce. Our xFAR™ methodology will help support the agency in meeting workload and training as part of the xFAR™ Management Plan.

    A custom checklist delivers the goods

    Our 5-step methodology utilizes a custom checklist that outputs a xFAR™ Management Plan and a xFAR™ Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to assist agencies in delivering rule changes more efficiently and with less stops and starts.

    Markon’s xFAR™ solution increases the odds for approval, helps gain stakeholder buy-in, and follows a thorough communication plan for holistic success.

    Our five-step methodology

    1. Scope  The first step focuses on defining the scope, communications, research, and risk mitigation.

    2. Assess – The next step is to assess existing policy for impact areas, evaluate policy gaps and develop your case for change.

    3. Updates  This step is all about improving the change through updates, quality control and ensuring staff has proper training.

    4. Strategy – The fourth step is a comprehensive approach to identify goals, stakeholder impact, and your communication plan.

    5. Implement –The last step is implementation, which includes updates to stakeholders and training on how to interpret and incorporate new policy.

    Save time and increase buy-in

    With this methodology, you increase stakeholder buy-in and create trained workforce that understands the change and what it means to them and what to do. Markon’s xFAR™ has effectively reduced the time it takes for a rulemaking package to be sent to the Office of Regulation at Veterans Affairs by more than 50 percent, from 90 days to 30 days.

    “The Markon team has been a tremendous help in resolving some of our problem areas and helped research and develop a sound solution. Markon’s responses to requests for information and assistance has allowed me [Director] to provide well-researched, detailed information to my leadership in a timely manner.”  - Client Testimonial

    Michelle Obata, PMP®, PMI-PBA/RMP/ACP®, CCMP, CCMA, SA, CSM®

    Michelle is a director at Markon who supports the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Infrastructure Modernization and Resilience/Corporate Development. She holds an MS in Systems Management from University of Southern California and a BS in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics from University of...

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