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    August 14, 2017

    Sources of Power: How Do You-How Do They Power Up?

    LDP ArcThe Leadership Development Program (LDP) breaks down leadership into three specific parts:

    1. Leading Self

    2. Leading Others

    3. Leading Strategy

    The current class is transitioning from self-focused development to leading others. With that thought in mind, the July LDP ice breaker had classmates “trying on” a few different power poses based on the Amy Cuddy Ted Talk “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are.” Standing in one of the several power poses for two minutes directly and positively effects your physiological and psychological state.

    As leaders, we have the innate ability to bolster our confidence and leverage our own power for influence in others, good or bad. The exercise was a perfect lead-in for the day’s Prime discussions facilitated by The Clearing. Six additional Primes were discussed; highlighted herein are Sources of Power and Power Primes.

    Whether we are thinking of your own to-do list or the needs of our clients, it is important to recognize what motivates everyone to move from the as-is to the to-be state, which can be discussed in depth with the Redpoint Prime. Having, giving, and receiving power from others can be directly observed, managed, and in some cases, manipulated in and by our relationships, communication styles, and Initiatives that lead us to our to-be state. The Source of Power Prime specifically discusses how leaders navigate the power struggle (pun intended) with peers, customers, staff, and their respective boss(es).

    As a thought provoking activity, the class was asked “Where do you get your power from?” Some classmates may have said, “Dominion Electric” while others said, “receiving peer recognition.”

    Whether power comes from humor or being recognized for a job well done, understanding where others draw their Sources of Power is as important as understanding your own. Being responsive to our clients comes from understanding what keeps them up at night, where they draw (or loose) their power from.

    The same understanding can also shape our perspective, better enabling us to lead through project or contact challenges with humility, rather than wasting unnecessary power when we are all trying to get to the same to-be state.

    2017-ldp-power-kyle-werkingAs Kyle Werking, Markon VP shared during the July LDP session, “go all in” when it comes to LDP. Do more than show up. July’s discussion on Power goes beyond the conference room, elevating how we are leaders in all facets of our lives. Be a leader by design, not happenstance.

    Amy Cuddy Ted Talk Referenced

    Markon Team Member

    Markon is a national consulting firm with a federal government focus, specializing in enterprise technology, financial, and program and construction management for the intelligence community and civilian, and defense agencies.

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